Be your own boss. Do your best work. Be your best self.

Liz Morrison, LCSW
Private Practice Coach
You own the place.
You know exactly what you're doing.
You can name your rate and not back-pedal the next second.
You can't wait to see your clients today because you know you can help them.
All of the above!

Rachel B., Queens, NY
"Liz covers a lot of ground and provides a lot of resources and suggestions about how to market yourself and how to think like a business person."
Devon M., New York City
"Her guidance and materials helped me focus my energy on getting my ideal client base and expand my marketing plan.”
Martine S., New York City
"I attended the workshop already having a private practice and group. However, after attending your workshop I felt motivated to take things to the next level, really utilizing my social media and networking! I think the workshop is beneficial for those looking to start a private practice or those already in practice.
To Be Your Own Boss
You Have to Run Your Own Business
Marketing and business skills didn’t come with your mental health degree, but those are exactly what you need to start your private practice, attract your ideal clients and make a name for yourself in the New York City/Metro area.
Workshops Small Groups One-on-One Coaching
From nitty-gritty day-to-day operations to modern online marketing, to outside-the-box networking, I’ll show you exactly what you need to do to open and grow your own private psychotherapy practice (and love every minute).
What You'll Get
The “To Do” list you need before opening your doors. Strategies to find and attract more of the clients you’ll love. A crash course in marketing and networking. Tips and support from therapists just like you. AND so much more...