Hi, I'm Liz.
Private Practice Coach dedicated to helping psychotherapists start and grow their private practices.
Psychotherapist in New York City, specializing in kids, teens, young adults and families.
You’ve made it through the challenging certification process and are finally
ready to reach your dream goal: to start and grow a private practice.
Now what?
First, you need strength and courage to get started on your own.
More important, you need a list of things to do to start your own private psychotherapy practice, a way to find clients you love to work with and a
plan to max out your caseload without breaking a sweat (or breaking the bank).
And, you need to do it all in the grueling, competitive world that is the New York Metro area.
Who am I to tell you how to do these things?
Well, I’m someone who has done it.
In under a year.
Starting from scratch (and learning the hard way).
My story...
My official credentials are as follows:
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Masters in Social Work from Columbia University
Masters Certificate in Child and Family Therapy from New York University
None of this mattered when it came to starting my practice – none of these degrees or certificates brought clients in the door. I was shocked. Really, I was.
I thought starting a private practice would be easy.
I had an office, a phone, a calendar and years of clinical experience under my belt. But there must have been something wrong with that phone because… it never rang.
I was overwhelmed. Stressed out. Confused. Failing.
I tried everything. I took business cards wherever I went. I sent post cards to every single school in New York City. Nothing worked.
My problem was that nobody knew me. If you Googled my name, you wouldn’t find a single reference pop up. So even if someone was referred to me, they’d Google me, find nothing and never make the appointment.
Nobody had taught me marketing or business skills in grad school, but those were exactly the skills I needed to get my private practice up and running, grow my client list and make a name for myself.
I spent what limited money I had to hire a professional to develop my website, and since I wasn’t working, I poured myself into the task of learning how to build a web presence that would bring in clients.
That summer, I built my website, started blogging (even though I don’t like to write), created a campaign for myself and talked a friend into teaching me how to use Twitter.
That was the turning point. I began putting everything on social media and networked with anyone remotely related to children. That led to invitations by guidance counselors to host free presentations. Soon, people were passing out my name.
Within five months of my website going live, I had clients.
Within a year, my client roster was full.
95% of phone calls I receive are from people who looked at my website first.
75% of those people reference something I wrote on my website that they can relate to in some way.
Starting your own private practice in New York is a brutally competitive process.
Like the song says: If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
And, as I learned, without basic business and marketing skills, even the most qualified therapists won’t get enough work.
When you come to one of my workshops or work with me one-on-one,
I’ll teach you how to:
Demystify the business aspects of private practices that are the most daunting
Create a growth plan for yourself so you can always see the next steps
Make the internet your best friend
Fearlessly define your niche
Find the most beneficial networking venues, and put yourself out there
Whether you’re fresh out of grad school or looking to reinvigorate your practice, these tools are designed to help you build your reputation and caseload.
I’ll tell you everything that I figured out myself, including how to become a media expert for outlets such as Elle magazine, the Huffington Post, Psych Central and Psychology Today. I’ve appeared in all of these, as well as on
ABC news Nightline – all thanks to the marketing principles I teach.
You are one website and one “to do” list away from building your practice confidently and successfully.
Let me show you how.